How to install new healthy habits this new year

With the start of the new year comes many resolutions, goal setting and new habits for many of us...

But before you dive in head first, please read this.

Just because everyone else is starting a diet or joining the gym doesn't mean you have to. In fact, I see these types of programs do more harm than good. If you know me you know I'm not a fan of the diets because I know how damaging they can be.

Did you know 95% of diets fail and dieting is actually a predictor of future weight gain?

But anyways, before you start setting any resolutions or goals (if that's your thing).

Start by getting realllyyyyy clear on your why.

What do you want to create for yourself? Why is this important to you?

When we do something we think we should be doing we rarely stick to it because it lacks any real meaning to us. Applying meaning to what you are doing is such an important factor in order to stay disciplined and consistent.

Now is your time to get really honest with yourself.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer!

2020 was a lot, take your time to reflect and think about how you want to move forward, no matter the pace.

And release the pressure of doing it all and doing it perfectly.

This year is truly about releasing the old paradigm, the old way of doing, thinking, and being that is no longer serving you.

When it comes to establishing new habits, we need to remember that habits are actions that are repeated consistently, that's it.

The basic formula needed to install a habit = action + time + repetition

Habits become automated by our subconscious mind, not our conscious mind, this is the part of the mind that is responsible for automating behavior (and 95% of your life, NBD).

So don’t get frustrated if it feels difficult at first.

This is 10000% NORMAL!

It actually takes on average 66 days to form a habit contrary to the popular belief that it only takes 21 days. This is possible but usually it takes longer.

It won't feel natural or easy at the beginning because you are literally rewiring your brain.

Habits and patterns are engrained into your subconscious mind to turn into an automatic response. This is why you may find yourself going through the same automatic behaviors when you wake up, you could drive to work with your eyes closed (please don’t though!), and find yourself always at the same pizza joint across the street. It all has become a habit. And your mind is just making it easier for you.

Remember the subconscious mind drives 95% of your behaviors!

This means new actions do require more conscious effort at the beginning. This is why it’s not as easy as 1, 2, 3 A, B, C  when making changes from the conscious mind only, which feels like you are pushing a boulder up a hill.

When we only force a new action on the conscious level of thinking without addressing it subconsciously (this is what most programs focus on) it becomes more challenging to maintain long-term. And this is where self-sabotage happens.

But when we do involve the subconscious mind, it actually takes less effort.

So where do you start?

It's all about the small action steps that are repeated over time.
So don’t over complicate it!

The good news? You can turn anything into a habit.

Some of my top tips to implement new habits:

  • Use habit stacking: Implement a new habit after or during a current habit. For example: jumping jacks while your coffee is brewing, listing your gratitude list while brushing your teeth…

  • Schedule it in! Write it in your agenda and block it off. If it’s important to you it should be scheduled in just like your work or other obligations.

  • Make your environment work for you! Make it favourable, make it obvious. For example, get your workout clothes ready the night before, have healthy food stocked in the kitchen, keep junk food out of the house, keep your book next to your bedside table…

  • Join a group where your desired behavior is the norm. Community is everything. The behaviour around you will greatly influence your behavior. Have you joined my PCOS community ps?

  • Start a new habit that takes less than two minutes. Do it for only 2 minutes every day. This creates the habit of starting the habit but keeps it easy so you keep doing it.

  • Instead of simply eliminating a habit, focus on creating a new one. If you want to avoid certain foods make sure you find alternatives or if you want to stop doing a certain activity start a new one that you can do instead. When we are only focused on removing something we are fixed on lack and it’s going to be harder to willpower ourselves out of doing something versus giving our energy to the new.

Did you know we can actually bypass the effort and time it takes to establish habits by working with our subconscious mind instead?

By addressing our belief systems and our values directly it creates a trickle-down effect into our actions and behaviors. Wondering why you magically end up on the couch every evening with the bag of chips? You just can't seem to get rid of your cookie addiction? You end up skipping your workouts every single time? You end up ordering takeout even though you have a fully stocked fridge? You keep saying you want to change but nothing happens?

This is because your conscious desires are not aligned with your subconscious beliefs, the part of your mind responsible for your external reality.

When we start to work on the subconscious at the same time while remove limiting beliefs and negative emotions in the way, we can move onto bigger and better things and create a life that we love without it having to be so.damn.hard.

You can learn more about how to do this here.

Remember you are deserving of everything you want in life right now, the only thing in your way is you 💛

Laurence AnnezComment