Why are you really losing your hair?


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Are you losing all of your hair in the shower? Do you experience thinning hair? Is your hair dry and prone to breaking?

Hair problems are the most significant symptoms I see across the board among women, with PCOS or not.

And it’s frustrating to say the least.

We associate our locks with beauty and femininity which is why it is such a frustrating symptom to endure.

Losing excessive hair doesn’t just mean losing something physical it is also a very emotional experience.

Many women ask me if I have a favorite fix for hair loss, and though there are supplements that can be effective, we need to dig deeper. Because hair loss is going to be a symptom of a bigger underlying problem.

Where to start:

  1. Investigate what is driving your hair loss

  2. Address diet and lifestyle factors that may be contributing

  3. Supplement accordingly 

Read on to learn about some of the major causes of excessive hair loss.

High androgens

More specific to PCOS, hair loss can also be attributed to high androgens, also known as male sex hormones. These hormones are needed for libido, mood, kidney, liver, and bone health but it becomes problematic when they are produced in excess, hence the symptoms that may appear as a result, such as hair loss. Though it’s common to just blame PCOS for all of this, the truth is we need to look deeper if we want to make any sustainable changes. Though hair loss can be a symptom associated with PCOS and high androgens, it’s not the cause of why hair loss may be occurring for you. PCOS isn’t a cause, it’s a condition describing a collection of signs and symptoms, however, there are deeper imbalances going on under the surface that are driving these hormonal imbalances, some of which we will discuss below, including chronic stress, inflammation, exposure to environmental toxins, and insulin resistance.


Stress seems to trigger everything… because it does. Chronic stress is a disaster for health, and even more so for PCOS and hair loss. Acute doses of stress are actually healthy, but when they become habitual, this becomes a very big problem. Our body wasn’t designed to sustain high levels of stress over long periods of time. Yet with our busy lifestyles, lack of sleep, toxic overload, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc this is becoming an epidemic. So how does stress contribute to hair loss?

Stress can affect the hair follicle 3 months after the stressful event, which is why many women can trace back stressful events 3 months prior to noticing abnormal hair loss. Chronic high stress drives up cortisol which depletes progesterone and can lead to excess estrogen (read below on estrogen and hair loss). Progesterone is important for healthy hair as it blocks androgens like testosterone and protects the hair follicle. High chronic cortisol drives up inflammation which can lead to worsening of PCOS symptoms such as hair loss. Inflammation can cause oxidative stress, free radical damage, and hormonal imbalances that can break down collagen and hair follicles.

What to do? Manage your stress! We can’t eliminate stress but we can create boundaries, we can say no, we can prioritize, and we can make decisions every day in order to respect our self-care. 7-9 hours of sleep and adding more fun and play into your day is a great place to start!

Estrogen imbalances

It is common to see hair loss postpartum as estrogen levels rise during pregnancy and dramatically fall post birth which can cause hair loss. This is also experienced by many women during menopause. Estrogen can have protective effects on hair against testosterone and can prolong the hair growth phase.

But the opposite is also true; too much estrogen can also lead to hair loss.

This is because too much estrogen can result in low progesterone - which helps protect the hair follicle and may act as an aromatase inhibitor (blocking the conversion to DHT).

What to do? Avoid plastics, clean up your beauty and body care products (use ewg.org database to rate your products), ditch the birth control pill (it shuts down your own hormones, triggers insulin resistance, promotes inflammation, and contributes to excess estrogen), avoid non-organic animal products, increase your intake of leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables which contain compounds like sulfur & DIM which help detoxify estrogen… and poop daily of course!


Inflammation is at the root of PCOS as PCOS women experience chronic low-grade inflammation which exacerbates their condition. Inflammation can make hair follicles more sensitive to androgens, increase androgen production in the ovaries, decrease nutrient absorption, and create free radical damage in the body.

What to do? Avoid inflammatory foods such as wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, corn, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, & sugar. Focus on anti-inflammatory foods like wild fatty fish, turmeric, bright-colored fruits, and vegetables…. Your best bet is to simply eat real whole foods!

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a major underlying factor in PCOS. Roughly 50-70% of women with PCOS have IR, but not all do. This is also a growing issue worldwide as our standard diet and lifestyle is fuelling blood sugar imbalances. Increased insulin triggers excess androgen production and lowers SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) which results in more testosterone floating around in the bloodstream. More androgens mean more symptoms like hair loss. In addition, insulin increases the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which converts testosterone to the more potent form DHT, responsible for hair loss.

What can you do? Cut out sugar and refined carbs, include healthy fats and protein at every meal, and decrease your stress load. Focus on whole foods. Including more plant protein options can also help to improve insulin resistance and blood sugar management due to the fiber and phytonutrients content (1)(2)(3).

Nutrient Deficiencies

If you aren’t absorbing your nutrients or you are following a poor diet, you may experience hair loss or thinning hair. When it comes to hair and skin health, our body will use the nutrients we do get for vital functions and organs, and deliver them last to nonpriority areas like our skin and hair.

Some nutrients linked to hair loss include protein, vitamin D, zinc, iron, and omega 3.

Protein makes up all of our connective tissue as well as the majority of hair follicles. Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Lack of protein over time in the diet has been shown to result in hair loss, dry scalp, and dry hair.
This is also why many women have seen improvements with their hair, skin, and nails with supplementation of collagen (discussed further down the page). And again, if your body doesn’t have sufficient protein intake it is going to use it for its vital functions, not so much for your mane.

Vitamin D: the sunshine vitamin, so vital for health in general but also PCOS and hair loss. Especially deficient in North America, vitamin D can help stimulate the growth of hair follicles, reduce inflammation, and regulate insulin by sensitizing receptors. Get your levels checked in order to supplement accordingly. If you are able to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight every day this is the best!

Vitamin D rich foods include salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, sesame seeds.

Omega 3 intake has been linked to increased hair growth and hair density whilst promoting strong & healthy-looking hair. Essential fatty acids have been shown to lower androgen production by inhibiting aromatase activity. Omega 3 fats include wild fatty fish, algae, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts.

Iron is the world’s most common nutrient deficiency, especially in women. Deficiency can be a cause for excessive hair loss. Make sure to get iron testing with your doctor before supplementing. This is my latest favourite iron supplement, completely derived from food and fermented for optimal absorption. Foods that are rich in iron are leafy vegetables, liver, red meat, blackstrap molasses, leeks, cashews, figs... important to note that non-heme iron (from plants) has a lower bioavailability rate than heme iron (from animals). Vitamin C also increases iron absorption.

Zinc is another common deficiency, especially among vegans and birth control users. Zinc can help support hair follicle growth while also blocking androgens. The best food sources of zinc are red meat, pumpkin seeds, and oysters. Again bioavailability of zinc is lower in plant foods than animal foods, so you may need to look into a supplement to receive adequate levels.

What to do? Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet and buy organic and grass fed animal products (if you are a meat-eater), and eat mindfully (this means chewing your food 30 times or until its mush and actually sitting down to eat your food with no distractions).

You can also include a good quality multi-vitamin or whole food multi for a boost of added nutrients (especially helpful if you are experiencing digestion and absorption issues).


Thyroid hormone is essential for the development and maintenance of the hair follicle. The thyroid oversees our metabolism, energy use, body temperature, body weight, and hair growth. Highly dependent on optimal levels of nutrients and vitamins and minerals. When out of balance you can experience hair loss because this is not a vital function to the body. When the thyroid is under-functioning and not producing enough hormones it can decrease energy needed for optimal body functions, which includes hair growth.

Low thyroid function can also lower protein and nutrient absorption as it can result in low stomach acid, which is essential for protein digestion.

If you have dry skin, brittle nails, fatigue, and hair loss—these are big signs that hypothyroidism may be factor for you. A full thyroid panel looking at optimal ranges is so important to properly asses thyroid function and rule out any thyroid conditions. Curious as to what a full thyroid panel looks like? Check out my free blood work guide which includes the thyroid panel.

Common symptoms and types of hair loss:

  • Patchy? You may have a cortisol imbalance, a deficiency in B vitamins, or zinc or heavy metal exposure.

  • Thinning? You may have a hormonal imbalance, such as low thyroid.

  • Top of the head only? You may have imbalances in testosterone, progesterone, cortisol or estrogen.

  • Balding all over? You may be experiencing poor circulation or not meeting protein needs, or experiencing deficiencies in essential fatty acids, B vitamins, or zinc.


Supplements for hair loss

Of course want to look at your specific root imbalances such as insulin resistance, inflammation, high stress, nutrient deficiencies first and foremost. However there are some supplements that can help reduce hair loss while you also tend to the root imbalances. These include:

Saw Palmetto

A popular anti-androgenic plant that reduces hair loss by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which thus reduces the amount of DHT conversion from testosterone (we want less DHT because this molecule is responsible for hair loss!) Saw palmetto has been shown to be helpful in treating androgenic alopecia and PCOS women with high androgens though more research is still needed.


Collagen seems to be the supplement everyone is adding these days to their smoothie, and for good reason! Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body, however, it declines with age, poor diet, stress, and nutrient deficiencies. Our hair is made up of keratin but the body requires different amino acids to make this protein. Collagen can provide these amino acids and provide strength and elasticity to hair follicles while reducing breakage. Supplementing with a good quality fish or bovine collagen can be especially useful to promote healthy hair as it is a highly absorbable form of protein that is anti-inflammatory and gut healing. As collagen makes up all of our connective tissue you will most likely also notice improvements in nail quality and growth as well as skin elasticity. Make sure to include plenty of vitamin C rich foods like broccoli, kiwi, tomatoes, berries, and bell peppers to stimulate collagen production.


A popular PCOS herb to reduce testosterone levels and symptoms like acne, hirsutism, and hair loss at the dose of 2 cups per day. Spearmint at the dose mentioned has been shown to be promising to reduce androgenic symptoms in PCOS women and improve hormone levels.


Reishi mushroom seems to be THE mushroom that has the ability to lower testosterone by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase. One of my favourite ways to get more mushrooms like Reishi into my diet is with Four Sigmatic! Just add hot water and that’s it! It’s the perfect bedtime elixir to get you ready for sleepy-time whilst providing all of its health benefits.

Be cautious with autoimmune diseases, as mushrooms can stimulate the immune system.

Rosemary oil (topical)

Rosemary oil applied topically to the scalp has been shown to improve blood circulation to the scalp. When applied to the scalp, it can help to increase the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, which can promote healthy hair growth. It is also referred to as a natural hair loss remedy, due to its potential to reduce DHT levels in the scalp. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the more potent form of testosterone that stimulates the development of male characteristics and is responsible for thinning hair. In fact, a clinical trial found that rosemary oil was just as effective as minoxidil, also known as Rogane, for reversing hair loss caused by androgens. Always dilute rosemary oil with a carrier, such as jojoba oil or aloe vera gel, before applying to the scalp to reduce the risk of irritation.

Need more help with this?

Fem Harmony is my 12-week program for the woman who wants to adopt a natural approach to hormone balancing & PCOS, live in harmony with her female cycles & heal her relationship with food & her body.

This program supports you on the physical, mental, and emotional level for whole body wellness and hormonal balance in the long term.

Are you ready to finally heal the root issues of your hormonal imbalances in a way that is sustainable and personalized to you?

Click here to learn more + apply

Disclaimer: Information on this site is intended only for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before implementing changes. Read additional disclaimer info here.









Laurence Annez